Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Today was rough....

Today I had goals to pass off PE's and take xrays, and hopefully have my class 3 come in.  She had been a 3 for years and I was just praying that she would stay a do that when you are down to the wire in clinic and you have 4 quads of a class 3 left to complete.  But she didn't show up...She wasn't able to be confirmed, and she didn't show up.  So. I had about 5 minutes of a mental and emotional breakdown inside my head.  I had to go to the restroom and stand in locked stall and calm myself and the tears from pooling in my eyes. I felt so hopeless. Life looked bleek, and I wasn't going to make it. Worst. Feeling. In. The. World. So I then started calling people to see if I could take xrays on them. No one could come in. Then out of PURE luck, miracle, divine intervention, I remembered a patient that called me last night to tell me she needed to have her teeth cleaned, so I called her. Long story short I finally convinced her to come in this morning.  But her husband came instead. Fine by me, at least I got a patient in my chair to screen.  Here is the miracle people....he was a CLASS 3!!!! 4 quads!!! and the patient I saw on Monday was classified as a 2, but I got a second opinion and got 2 quads of a CLASS 3! So I went from from the lowest of lows to actually seeing a miracle take place and ending up with 6 quads of a class 3 to clean next week. It was a complete miracle.  So here is to hoping they both show up next week, and I can pass off 4 PE's.  Leaving my only requirements as: 1 sealant, 1 BWX, 4 PA's, 2 PE's.  I think I can make it!! But here's to praying and crossing my fingers anyways.

Monday, March 28, 2011

My New Loupes

I love my new loupes! They are honestly one of the greatest purchases I have ever made. They work wonders. I am so glad I took the time to research them, and find the best company I thought would work for me.  It was like night and day in clinic today with loupes as compared to without loupes.  I still have to perfect them, but they are great.  I am moving right along with my requirements, but I am so completely stressed out over actually meeting them without going on academic probation.  My blood pressure and stress is through the roof right now. My patient cancelled today, so I had to find a new one...luckily There was a random man in the waiting room waiting for his wife, that needed a cleaning. Phew.  I need to pass off more PE's. I only passed off one today, and I have about 7 more to go! crap.  and PA's I still need a few more than a few. Prayers are continually being said in my head. If you are reading this you can pray for me too.  Here's to hoping for a better Wednesday.