Saturday, March 17, 2012


Today was my hygiene clinical board....I was calm...yet nerves everywhere. Does that even make sense? I was prepared for what I had to do. I had confidence in myself, but I was still nervous because this was a pretty important board to pass. I think the one of the worst parts about the day was waiting to see if he qualified. Waiting for him to walk through sterilization, into the clinic with a  blue paper saying my submission was accepted. And he was! Phew, one huge step down! The next 2 hours were the fasted 2 hours in my life. I was the last one to submit my patient for check out in my pod. Marianne and Heather M. flew through theirs. I had mini freak out moments throughout mine because his calculus was really tenacious, and every time I went back in with my explorer I could still feel the dang calculus! I was thinking to myself, that I really hope I can get this off, and I don't leave anything there and nothing burnished. When I had 15 minutes left I had to just stop the scaling and to the recession and probing depths. I couldn't go back in with the explorer after that because he bled soooo much that if that explorer got close to that quad it would take me another 5 minutes to clean it back up, so it didn't look like a blood bath went on in his mouth. I just had to have faith that what I did was the best I could do, I couldn't have done any more than what I did. I did my best....I just hope my best was enough. He came back pretty fast after check out, so hopefully that is a good sign. I went home today, and when I saw Evan and he came over to give me hug because it was all finally over, I just started to cry. I had a lot of emotion running through me. Emotions of the last 3 months combined. It all just pooled over, when I finally knew it was all over. I didn't have another board, all I can do now is wait to see if I passed. It was a relief.

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