Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Today I saw a 1A and discovered that this pt needed some sealants..Perfect! Now I can pass off the PE. After I grab all my armamentarium for sealants I tell Dr. Hanson that  I want to pass off the PE. She comes over and watches. The first sealant I did the child was just not having it. His tongue was all over the place, it was so hard to keep things dry, etc, etc. The second one was a success though. I thought I did pretty well, but as soon as I was finished Dr. Hanson needed to talk with me. In my head I didn't think that was a good sign. When I walked over there she told me that she was going to have to fail me on that PE because I didn't wear, and my patient didn't wear the orange goggles? WHAT? I never learned that. So she told me that she just wasn't going to grade me on the PE and I could just do it another time. Ok, that's fine. No skin off my nose, not a big deal. At least she didn't just fail me. So after the patient was dismissed I went to talk to her again, just to let her know that I never learned about having to wear the orange goggles. That wasn't how we learned it in first year. Apparently that was shocking because if Prof. Bossenberger had seen me doing the sealant she would have freaked out. Dr. Hanson checked with Prof. Costley to make sure what I said was true, and turns out Costley backed me up! Wahoo. PE passed off because of that! I have saved everyone else from failing their sealant PE. Good day.

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