Monday, February 13, 2012

Board Patient FOUND!!

What a relief to finally find a board patient. I had a good feeling about the screenings we had today, hoping that from the 4 people i scheduled, I could find someone who qualifies. When McCall screened her one patient, I felt hope and jealousy, because she found a board patient and I had yet to find one, and hope because If she found one today, hopefully I could.  The first 3 pt's were a no go. Waaay to clean to qualify. I was feeling doubtful at this point in the day. That if the first 3 didn't qualify then the 4th one definitely won't. As I sat down to start on the 4th pt I asked how long it had been since his last cleaning. He said 2-3 years. Good sign. As I put the mirror into his mouth I could see calculus ant. and post. Good sign. As I started exploring, calculus everywhere! And heavy. Great sign. As I probed, all within the limits of WREB. Great sign. Alexander came over to check and when she was done she told me to "take my pick".  All 4 quads qualified! HA! It was a miracle. So I am using him for mockboard and boards. He seems like such a good guy, and hopefully I can rely on him. It will be good to see him in a couple of weeks for mockboard, so I can see what I am in for when boards comes around. Thank you board pt of mine!

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